If you've been looking around for new wooden bed online and in store you would have recognised the amount of choice shoppers get now. Whether your looking for wooden oak bed frames or a small double in grey with a large headboard you should be trying to get that trendy look that's fitting for a queen.
Add accessories the get that theme you've been longing for all summer long. You can create your own interior designed bedroom by adding small details ready for the winter. Enjoy your breakfast and coffee in the comfort of your own bed likes it's it's a hot day in california with a modern and a trendy wooden vibe.
1 Oak Double Bed Frame
Add that sleek present - day double oak bed frame to your bedroom decor, go for a small headboard or shaker styled they both fit the bill. Shop on site for a saving to your pocket with a large selection to choose from online. Add a thick double memory foam mattress topper with some comfy pillows and a oak 2 + 1 bed side table. Team this up with 3 door wardrobe and chest of draws smart look.
2 Grey High Sleeper Bed
Add that modish grey high sleeper to your kids bedroom helping them with storage space and learning tools really does set them up for the day ahead. If the design is right the length and depth measurement could be suitable for grey desk to go with a book case and shelving. Team this up with a Twin XL waterproof mattress protector and a 3ft duvet this winter.
3 Pine Wooden Single 3ft Beds
For a narrow bedroom a pine single 3ft bed could work a treat. So easy to style and match with other decor in the house. Look at the curve headboards with straight lines on a low base for a present feature. Team this up with a grey chest of draws and a side board. Add a 90cm x 190cm mattress in a box with a 3ft single duvet summer cover.
4 White Wooden Bunk Bed
If your trying to get that modern fit then nothing says sleek quite like a white wooden bunk bed. There's not many better children's creations on the market suitable for either a boy or a girl. Ass some draws and a white stool for the desk. Team this up with a storage ottoman and TV unit for fun.
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